synchronicity Theatre

Where the mountain meets the moon

directed by Justin Anderson

A daring adventure into happiness

Scenic design Vision

The scenic design for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is inspired by the rich tapestry of Chinese folklore, creating a vibrant and enchanting world that captures the essence of Minli's fantastical journey.
The set is a dynamic and fluid landscape, where mountains, rivers, and celestial elements seamlessly transform to reflect the protagonist's adventures. Utilizing a color palette of deep blues, lush greens, and golden hues, the design evokes a sense of wonder and magic.
The environment blends realism with whimsicality through the interplay of light, shadow, and texture, the scenic design transports the audience into a realm where myth and reality intertwine, celebrating themes of courage, destiny, and the enduring power of stories.


Paint Elevations


Final Set Rendering

Production Photos

Pictures by Casey Gardner Ford


True North


Home, I'm Darling